Chokeslam Review

Hello there wrestling fans and movie fans wrestling movies tend to be rubbish so when i saw this movie i wondered will this one be as bad as the rest well let's find out with my review of Chokeslam.

The plot revolves around a Deli worker who has the chance to pursue the girl of his dreams who happens to be a pro-wrestler. I have to say the film so far is not of to a good start because i had to get the plot summery of IMDB and i mention that because in the film the story is weak and paper thin at best and that's not helped by the fact that the pacing is so bad.

The film stars Amanda Crew , Chris Marquette , Michael Eklund and Niall Matter . This movie is a straight to DVD movie and so the acting is exactly what you'd expect from one of those movies there's a few good actors the two leads played by Amanda and Chris are ok in the movie but the rest just fall flat and you know your acting is bad when Mick Foley is out acting you.

Now this film is listed as a comedy so you'd expect there to be jokes in this case you'd be mistaken none of the so called jokes in this film land at all not even the fart joke works but i think that's because it's a fart joke and those never work.

This film does have a few wrestler cameos as i've mentioned there's the hardcore legend himself Mick Foley but also appearing are Lance Storm , Harry Smith and TNA Knockout Chelsea Anne Green only two of the people mentioned actually play roles in the finished film with Storm and Smith performing in one of the films matches and i have to admit as a fan of wrestling i kinda enjoyed these roles especially Mick's who mostly tells stories from his past which i thought was a fun little gimmick.

Now since this is a wrestling film i have to talk about the matches i actually thought they were pretty good well considering most of the matches were done by actors and not by wrestlers they did a good job altho i have to admit the finishing move of the main female character is the chokeslam and it looks soft so maybe they could have made that look like it hurt more.

Overall this is a bad wrestling movie but it's an ok movie so for this wrestling fan this movie gets a solid 5 out of 10



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