The Mermaid Princess Review

Hello animation fans it's so rare that i talk about a bad movie in most cases i go out of my way to avoid them but tho with this one i thought it would be fun to talk about a bad movie and my god is this one bad so let's talk about The Mermaid Princess.

Well i would normally talk about the plot of the movie now but tho the plot line listen on IMDB isn't the plot of the movie the movie itself has no plot to speak of and that's the first of many issues with this movie it's movie making 101 your movie has to have a story but in this film stuff happens and that's it.

Now i would normally at this point talk about the cast in this movie however there's only an incomplete cast list on IMDB and by that i mean it only lists four of the actors and it doesn't list who they play but what i can say is the acting in this film is really bad all of the actors in this movie cannot act at all and i have a feeling they were only chosen because they were cheap.

There's one thing about the movie that i like and that's the backgrounds there not the best backgrounds but judging by this movies standards they look really nice and a treat for the eye's it's just a shame there's no people to fill them out altho given what i'm going to mention next that's properly a good thing.

Wow is the animation in this bad and when i say bad i mean really freaking bad all of the characters have either stiff movements or really limited movements and they barely close there mouths was it so hard to animate a mouth closing. As for the character designs there flat and boring and the characters look like they have no souls in them what so ever which suits there bland personalities and voices and the characters have a few badly done facial expressions whoever animated this movie clearly did on the cheap thinking they were being clever but it turned out they were just being stupid.

This film is so obscure that there's no Wikipedia page on it so i don't know if this is listed as an animated comedy or not which is most likely a good thing because this movie has no funny moments in there the only jokes that are in this movie are the kind that a three year old would find funny no one with half a brain cell would find the jokes in this movie funny.

Now apparently this movie is based on The Little Mermaid fairy tail which i think is complete BS this movie has nothing to do with that story what so ever and i think they only added that bit in there to get people to take an interest in it well it didn't work and it also apparently had a screen writer which is a joke because it meant someone actually wrote this film.

The music in this film is like the rest of the movie very bland and dull there's no standout track at all because all of the music in this film to me blended into one it was all that dull and the film also has a few songs as well one over the opening credits and one over the ending credits and honestly there bad.

Overall avoid this movie like your life depends on it it is god awful and whoever directed this movie should be a shamed of them selfs i give this movie a solid 0 out of 10 





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