Orange Live Action Film Review

Hello there anime fans anime adaptations have got a bit of a bad rap but today i want to talk about a film that actually came out a year before the anime and that film is (if you havn't guessed by the title) Orange so let's get it on.

The basic plot of the movie is Naho Takamiya is a timid 16-year-old girl. One day she receives a letter from her future self detailing actions she must take to prevent Kakeru Naruse the new transfer student from sinking into depression and taking his own life. If i'm being honest the story isn't the best and by that i mean it's kind of a cliche story and it rarely does anything new or interesting and it really isn't helped by the fact that the film throws so much at you early and expects you to keep up.

In this film we have Kento Yamazaki , Tao Tsuchiya , Dori Sakurada , Haruna Yamazaki , Kurumi Shimizu and Ryo Ryusei. I have to say that the cast were pretty ok for me they all turned in great performances and they did a great job handling both the comedy aspects and the drama aspects as well but for me the true standout i thought Tao who made me care for her character Naho which i admit at times could be hard but she pulled it off.

Now i've only either the first episode or the first two episodes of the anime so i can't say if it follows the anime that well and i havn't read the manga so for me i would have been ok if they removed certain scenes in this movie because we don't really need a lot of the scenes of the cast crying they just make that scene near the end pointless and meaningless so i would have been ok if those scenes were gone from the movie.

The dramatic scenes for me were i thought really well handled to a point they gave the characters a chance to grow and develop but there are a few issues with them the first one being the fact that the first dramatic scene happens early in the movie which is bad because i didn't care for the characters at that point and the fact that they would happen so often is a good and bad thing it's good because we got character development but bad because they happend often.

I have to say Naho makes dumb choices in this movie i'm assuming that if your reading this then you've read the manga /  seen the show so it won't be a spoiler then when i say that when she first gets her letter instead of doing the normal thing and tell her friends she chooses to keep it a secret they could have helped out from the very beginning even when she finds out another one of her friends has a letter she still chooses not to tell the rest of group for no reason.

Now i'm a bit of a time travel fan so i was interested in seeing how they explained the time travel element in this movie and i was shocked to see that they don't actually explain how the letters from the future reach the past / present i get that explaining it would take some suspension of disbelief but your doing a film that features time travel anyway so why not explain how it all happened it didn't take anything away from the movie but it was something that truly bugged me.

I've been pretty harsh on this film but i did enjoy the fact that we got to see the group of friends act like real friends they have laughs together and they help each other out alot and for me that was great to see and it was great to see that the film didn't just put the rest of the cast to side in order to focus on the lead characters here they are all lead characters and they all have a part to play.

Overall i'd say if you liked the manga / anime then you might like this movie but if you didn't like the show / manga then you won't like this as for people who havn't read the manga and only seen a few episodes of the show i'd say watch but be ready to sit through alot of drama for me this movie is a 7 out of 10




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