Blood The Last Vampire 2009 Review

Well hello there movie fans and anime fans i will be the first one to admit that i havn't seen the original anime version of Blood The Last Vampire but i have seen Blood-C and it's sequel film The Lost Dark so with that in mind here is my review of the 2009 film Blood The Last Vampire.

Now i would at this point tell you all what the plot of the movie is however that would mean there was actually a script written for this movie yes folks i have finally found a movie that has no plot no really i was watching the movie wondering "what's the story?" all this movie is is a series of action scenes strung together in order to make a bare to the bones movie.

Now to this movies credit it does cast an Asian actress in the role of Saya that being Jun Ji-hyun as for the rest of the cast we have Allison Miller as Alice Larry Lamb as General McKee and Liam Cunningham as Michael Harrison but tho the acting overall is very mixed we have great performances from Liam and Jun Ji but we have bad performances from Larry and Allison who's acting is so wooden i'm sure she's been mistaken for a tree.

This film came out in 2009 so that's one year after the first Iron Man came out i only mention Iron Man because while that film had great CGI this film has bad CGI i'm not sure if the creatures in this film were fully CG or not but there's a few shots where they are in CGI and it looks dreadful but it only gets worse as the film chooses to use CGI blood and not only does it stand out like a sore thumb but it's also very distracting.


Now when watching an action film i expect to able to see the action scenes but i'll get more into that soon because the action scenes that i could see looked flat out dull and they relayed to much on wire work almost to the point where it's funny i'm not kidding there's a scene early on in the movie where i girl get's kicked fairly softly and that one kick not only sends her flaying but also through a pair of doors and into the hands of the hero.

This film is also listed as a horror film so with that listing in mind i would normally expect to see some scares or at least some creepy images but nope we don't get any of that and that's mostly due to the fact that the so called scares in the movie are jump scares and also due the fact that the editing is really bad.

Speaking of the editing it's really bad it doesn't effect the overall pacing of the film but it does effect the action and indeed some of the death scenes during the action scenes there's so many fast cuts that you cannot see what's happening on screen as for how it effects the scares the film cuts away before the actual bit you would find scary happens.

I want to make it clear that i don't think that the fight / action scenes are all bad because they sometimes contain exciting parts within them like for example there's a scene where the friend of Saya gets creaturenapped and so in order to catch up Saya uses wire to swing Tarzan style until she catches up to me that was exciting to see it's just a shame that the action scene before it had terrible editing.

Overall i can't say if the anime is better or not since like i've mentioned before i've not seen the anime but i will say that overall this is an ok movie since there will be things in there that people will like but tho for me this movie is just ok so i give it a 5 out of 10 



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