Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Review

Hello there rangers fans if you've been following my recent posts then you would know that i've been covering all of the major Power Rangers episodes from Mighty Morphin to In Space well i have some bad news the work turned out to be more then i expected so i'm cutting down alot of the planned episode reviews so the next episode review will be for the In Space finale and so to cover Turbo here is my review of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie.

To put it simply the plot of this movie is the Power Rangers have to stop an evil space pirate from taking over the world. To say the plot to this movie is basic would be an understatement it's your basic Power Rangers story but that being said this movie does something that wasn't done that much in Power Rangers and that's bring back past rangers i will talk more about this later on tho. The pacing of the movie is actually pretty good but not great.

The film stars Johnny Yong Bosch as Adam Park/Green Turbo Ranger, Nakia Burrise as Tanya Sloan/Yellow Turbo Ranger, Blake Foster as Justin Stewart/Blue Turbo Ranger, Jason David Frank as Thomas "Tommy" Oliver/Red Turbo Ranger and Hilary Shepard Turner as Boobatox. The acting in this movie is pretty much what you'd expect from a Power Rangers movie at this point it's not great at all but not all the rangers are bad in the movie JDF puts in a good performance but he gets out shined by the always awesome Johnny Yong Bosch who's character really gets a lot of flak in these movies in the first one he's a frog and in the second one he get's given a bad haircut and a mini van.

The writing in this film is at times pretty stupid for example during the third act one of the rangers takes of his helmet infront of the main villain so she could now if she was smart just attack him unmorphed but sadly it's never mentioned at all in either the show or this movie which you honestly think they would since it involves there freaking safety.

Honestly the villain in this movie is pretty weak she spends the movie complaining about things not going her way at least Rita and Zedd would sometimes fight the rangers this one spends all her time yelling at people for not doing something she herself could do but i guess when you spend you all day with your boobs pretty much in everyone's face you can do whatever you like and still get away with it.

I mentioned before that two past rangers return and they are the original Red and Pink rangers and they add nothing to the movie at all in fact the first thing they do in the movie is get captured you'd think that being past rangers they would actually put up a fight but they don't and when one of them escapes the first thing that happens is they get captured again what the hell writers at least give them a fighting freaking chance oh and the Red Ranger get's his manhood tied up and some body pulls on it for what must be hour oh and Bulk and Skull are in the movie but they do nothing at all.

The suits for Turbo come from the Sentai Gekisou Sentai Carranger that show was meant as a parody of the Sentai series so god knows why Saban chose to adapt something that was a parody there is know logic behind it at all besides from wanting to sell more toys to kids but to be fair the suits do look pretty cool even if they have stupid things like headlights on the helmets but since Saban chose to adapt a parody series they look pretty good.

However what is not that good is the action scenes they look so fake and at times are just plain dull there's an action scene on a boat where the unmorphed rangers are fighting some monsters have the monsters are defeated off screen and those that aren't have to help the Rangers defeat them because of how heavy the monster suits are and during the third act alot of the villains monsters don't even get hit and they go flying they at least could have edited around that footage a bit or if it was new footage they could have re-shot it. 

The music for this movie was done by co-writer / co-director/ executive producer / guy who gets your shopping Shuki Levy the music is good but it's not as good as the music done by Ron Wasserman but that being said the Turbo theme is pretty kick ass and there is a song in this movie i really like called Turbo Time which if you can find on Youtube is worth listening to.

Overall this is a pretty bad opener to what many think is the worst season of the series but what the movie doesn't explain is why the Zeo Powers are know good which is a shame because there was a scene in the original script which explained it but since it wasn't in this movie i have to give this movie a 5 out of 10 



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