Thundercats Ho! The Movie Review

Hello there movie fans and if you are there any fans of the 80's cartoon series Thundercats i bet you didn't know this got a movie did you well it did it was straight to VHS and was later edited into the first five episode of season 2 so here is my review of Thundercats Ho! The Movie.

So the plot of this movie is the Thundercats have to rescue some people from there home planet. That's basically it in terms of plot and where as in some circumstances i would welcome a simple plot line this time i don't because it's very basic good guys have to rescue people from the bad guys it's a storyline that really could have been done better for me personally and it doesn't help that the first ten or so minuets are painfully slow.

All the cast members from the TV series are of course back for this movie i won't list them here because there's quite a few and i'm only judging the acting in this movie i have to say tho in terms of voice acting the cast did a really good job with there characters which couldn't have been an easy thing given the script for me tho the best actor in this film was Lynne Lipton who voices both female members of the group she is really good in this film.

Now according to some the animation in the series was never that good especially after the opening credits and the same very sadly is true for this movie it's very choppy and there's a lot of repeated movements and then you add in the fact that there is a lot of animation errors it makes me wonder why the animators thought it was ok to let this movie go out.

Now to the films credit after those first ten minuets the films pacing does slightly get better not much but enough so that i don't feel like checking Facebook or YouTube every five minuets but that's not due to the storytelling it's due to the fact that this movie is very action packed like every ten or so minuets is an action scene of some sort and they are pulled of really well.

I can't review this film and not mention the writing to put it simply i think the writer of the movie should have taken another pass at the script because alot of the dialog is down right cringe worthy with some of the characters telling us what there looking at and what there relationship is those scenes could have and should have been handled differently.

This film has annoying habit of changing up it's secondary villains every twenty or so minuets and it's gets really annoying they do have one over arching main villain who is the main villain of the show but i see no need for them to keep on switching out the secondary villains it just seems pointless and it felt like the writer couldn't decide which villain he liked the most so he just through them all in the movie 

Overall if you watched and loved the original 1980's series then you will love this movie it has all the characters from the show in there doing what they do but as i'm not someone who grew up with the show i have to give this movie a 6 out of 10




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