Assassin's Creed Film Review

Hello there movie fans i'm here to bring to you a review of a movie that came out in America in 2016 but didn't hit the UK until 2017 and that movie is based on a video game and is called Assassin's Creed so lets go.

The story or lack there of follows Callum Lynch as he tries to protect some object and that's really all i got out of it i'm going to be honest the story for this film is wafer freaking thin and i only got that first part mostly because i looked it up on IMDB. The film dreadful pacing each scene goes on a lot longer then needed and the movie feels a lot longer then it's nearly 2 hour run time.

The cast for this film includes Michael Fassbender , Marion Cotillard , Jeremy Irons and Brendan Gleeson and given that they don't really have much to work with in terms of both story and character they do an ok job this film isn't going win them any awards at least not any good awards since the film has been nominated for a few Razzie's but given what they were working with the actors are ok at best.

To give the film a little bit of credit the sets do look really good and i'm glad to see that they didn't use any CGI to make them look bigger they generally look impressive and when they go back to Spanish times the sets look like something you would see in that time period.

See this picture of a bird see how i only used it the once the movie likes to use this bird in every single flashback scene which i wouldn't mind if the effect was good hell i'd even settle for decent but it isn't it looks fake as hell and the more times the movie shows it the more times you get to see how fake it is.

That being said tho some of the CGI in this movie is at best ok which seems to be what this film is going for when the CGI looks good it's pretty good but when it's bad you really notice there were times in this movie where i just went around pointing out all the CGI in the movie not because it was a good effect but because it was so bad you could actually tell it was an effect.

Not only was the pacing bad but so was the editing and the action and in an action film that's based of an action game you would think they put some focus into the action and into the editing but no every single time the action gets going in the past the film suddenly jumps to the present and then back to the past for no reason what so ever there was clearly no thought put into the action at all it's just bland and it's all the same stuff that you've seen a thousand times in better movies.

The music for the film was done by Jed Kurzel don't worry if you don't know who he is he hasn't scored any huge films and is the brother of the director which i'm guessing is how he got the job on this movie because you can barely hear his score at times and then there are times when it's really freaking loud and won't shut up.

Overall i cannot recommend this to either fans of the games or non fans of the games it's not as bad as Super Marios Bros. The Movie or the second Mortal Kombat movie but it's still pretty bad and i disagree with IMDB's score of a 6.6 to me this movie is a 3 out of 10.



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