The Look Of A True Princess From A Fan Point Of View

Hello there movie , fans and Star Wars fans i felt like i had to do this and this is my most personal post i've made as it's about someone i grew up not only watching but loving and that person is the late Carrie Fisher.

Now this will be told from a fan's point of view but i cannot talk about her and not mention Star Wars to me growing up she was one of the best characters in the original trilogy her character showed so much strength and humor even when times were tough and alot of that came from Carrie herself in real life she was very much as ballsy as Leia was and they even shared the same sense of humor and that's why i love her so much.

I think Star Wars fans growing up either wanted to be Han or Luke and that's great there great characters but me i wanted to be R2 because he's the one the drives the movie forward and he gets to work closely with Leia and it helps that over the course of the first three films we see Leia join the front lines of the rebellion proving that she's more then just brains she can actually fire a gun if need be and it's a truly great thing to see this because Carrie's acting helps you believe that she could really do all those things.

Outside of Star Wars she was in films like the first Austin Powers movie we got to see her funny side come out even more and in even more outlandish way she and George Lucas also appeared in the film Hook as the couple kissing on the bridge and i mention this because for many years up until 2005 in fact Carrie served as a script doctor on many films including the Star Wars prequels and many others so there's a chance that you heard her dialog but you in your favorite movie but you didn't know about it that's the kind of appeal that she had.

Now i know that it's well known that she suffered from mental illness but the fact that during that time period she didn't kill her self and that fact that she didn't do anything to crazy just shows how strong she both mentally and physically and that to me is not only true strength but also true beauty.

When her death was first announced i did something i havn't done all year in fact it's something that i havn't done at all and that's spend nearly two hours looking at tweets from her friends and family and it's seeing those tweets that made me realise how many people she has touched and how many people were touched by her we of course had tweets from her star wars co-stars but we also had a tweet from Star Trek's William Shatner as the two were great friends both Carrie and Leia have made such an impression on pop culture that there is a website named after the character called LegionOfLeia . com no other character has a website named after them.

I chose to write this article in the hope that it will give some fans at least a little bit of closure because let's face it this year hasn't been the best of years and we could all do with closure at this point and for me this article will be the start of my closure. 



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