The Legend Of Tarzan Review !!!!

Wow what can i say about this film apart from the fact that it's way better then the god awful Gods Of Egypt well lets start at the top shall we.

The story for the film is as follows John Clayton following his parents' death in Africa would be raised by an ape and would be known by the name Tarzan, would leave Africa and go to his parents's home in England along with woman he fell in love with and married, Jane Porter. He would be asked by Belgian King Leopold to go to Africa to see what he has done there to help the country. Initially he refuses. But an American, George Washington Williams wants him to accept so he can accompany him. He says that Leopold might be committing all sorts of atrocities to achieve his goal like slavery. He needs to prove it. Clayton agrees and his wife insists that she accompany him because she misses Africa. They go and when they arrive a man named Rom who works for Leopold attacks the village they are at and captures Tarzan and Jane. With Washington's help he escapes and sets out to rescue Jane by going across the jungle and Washington joins him despite being told that he might not make it. Now i had to get this of IMDB because i found it hard to follow in the film and i put that down not to be writing or directing but to bad editing it's the job of the editor to make sure the story is front and center and that it's easy to follow so whoever edited this movie should have gotten fired.

Now the film does have a really solid cast with each actor putting in a great performance in the lead we have Alexander Skarsgård playing the female lead we have the awesome Margot Robbie as the villain we have Christoph Waltz and because he's in everything else so he might as well be in this we have the always great Samuel L. Jackson all the cast do a great job in the film each actor does the best with what they have however this does lead me to what for me is a major issue and that's the film's portrayal of Jane aka Margot Robbie's character instead of being a bright smart character in the film she's a dumb ass she spends half of the movie captured and when she finally gets away she gets recaptured five minuets later and all because she wants her husband to rescue her which is just freaking stupid.

Another issue i have with the film altho this one is quite minor is some of the action scenes are just plain boring with all the beats you've seen in every action film being present in nearly all of those scenes if it wasn't for the pretty epic music playing during those scenes i would have fell asleep and never woke up.


Ok credit where it's due it does put the romance front and center which is great because for me the story of Tarzan and Jane was always a romantic story that just so happened to take place in the African jungle and Robbie and Skarsgård do have great chemistry together and for me that helps make the relationship more believable and that's important because it's that relationship that drives the film forward.

The cinematography in this film is stunning the guy who did it Henry Braham had to make a sound stage in London look like the African jungle and he did a great job doing that each scene looks stunning and as do all the actors and that includes the characters your meant to hate please let this guy get some sort of award.

The music is this film was pretty good and it really takes of i think during the action scenes as stated before there really is nothing i can say about the music because there's so little of it to be heard.

For some reason the filmmakers chose to use a lot of CGI where it really wasn't needed they added a lot of CGI backgrounds that stand out a mile and the CGI gorillas look really bad altho they do act and talk like real gorillas so i have to give them praise there.

Overall this film is very average it does have some good parts but there's also a ton of bad parts and those aren't helped by the fact that the film takes a while to get going which is a bad thing because the film is only 1 hour and 50 minuets so i would give this film a 5.5 out of 10



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