Finding Dory Spoiler Free Review

Guys here we are with a review of the latest Pixar release which is a review / Spin-off of when of there most famous famous movies Finding Nemo so here we go with my spoiler free review of Finding Dory.

The story of the film is The friendly-but-forgetful blue tang fish reunites with her loved ones, and everyone learns a few things about the real meaning of family along the way. The film does a great job of telling it's story and there is never a dull moment in this film at all i will say that this film is set one year after Nemo for those who where wondering and the film does something not many family films do and that's try to explain something sad to kids and i applaud it for doing that.

Some of the voice cast from Nemo do return for this film and they include Ellen DeGeneres as Dory, Albert Brooks as Marlin, Bob Peterson as Mr. Ray and Andrew Stanton as Crush Nemo is in the movie but since his original voice actor is now two old to play the part in this movie he is played by Hayden Rolence. All the cast do a great job with there characters Ellen's voice really does suit Dory and it's hard to picture anyone else but her voicing the character but for me the standout performance comes from Ed O'Neill who plays Hank the guy is just funny as hell another great performer is Idris Elba as Fluke he and Dominic West get some really good laughs.

This film does feature a very sad moment near the start of the third act i wont spoil it but i will say be ready with some tissues because you'll need them and it's something i didn't think they would ever include in a Pixar movie so well done to them for adding it in. 

As with all Pixar movies the film does look stunning it's really surprising how far animation has come in the past Thirteen years the animation was on point for me through out the whole film there wasn't anything that didn't look fantastic and the animation on the water was really fantastic anybody will tell you that animating water is the hardest thing to do but the folks at Pixar have it down to a tee and there talents are not wasted here.

Again as with all Pixar movies this one is preceded by a short film called Piper and it really was something to behold i can't describe it because what ever i put would not do the film justice but it is worth watching because of good the short looks.

If your a horror film fan you will love one of the cameos they have in this movie i just laughed like hell when i heard this person because of how un-expected it is and you do hear this person's voice throughout the second and third acts of the film so you'll get plenty of chances to laugh even if the little one's don't get it.

The third act of the film is really well done it's action packed and just everything that you would expect from a Dory based film. I havn't mentioned the music because i really wasn't paying attention to that because the story was just so good but the composer for the film was Thomas Newman so you know it's going to be good. The film isn't perfect for me just because the returning characters just feel shoehorned in and Nemo and his dad serve no real purpose and after that sad thing happens they go to a joke which i hate but it was good to be in the world of Nemo once again.

If you was a fan of Finding Nemo i think you might like it more then someone who never really watched Nemo which was me by the way but it is still a good film just not a perfect film for me this film is an 8.5 out of 10



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